One of my LinkedIn connections was unhappy with his current job (Campus placed in a startup with less than a year experience).
To all my advice about helping him out, he was adamant about his senior in office (who joined a year or two before him) whom he follows religiously - ".. but Sir said this would not work".
Finally, I ended up sharing him a personal incident to show "You should use your intuition, Boss is not always right".
When I was just 6 months experienced, I had this 1-year experienced Sr who used to advice - "Don't argue with Sir (Manager) for anything, just follow him always. He has been here for a decade" for everything.
In our NCR Office, we felt terrible shockwaves of the earthquake. We all rushed to the emergency area and only returned after a while. To my surprise, this guy was still seated when we returned, and upon inquiry replied:
He smiled, " I felt the tremors, but when I asked Manager sir, he asked me to stay with him and not to worry."

To all the other freshers or anyone who is looking for mentorship or advice, I would reiterate
"What has worked for others may not necessarily work in our favor. After asking others for advice, you may explore as well and find the best way out!"