How many times, when we switch jobs in mid of a financial year - we have to search or reach out to our previous employer for our financial documents like old salary slip, or total income tax deduction information, form 16 etc.
While trying to fill ITR this year, I realized I need documents from my previous employer as well. Form 16 for this year and also Component breakup etc.
To my surprise, my previous employer Adobe had already shared me an Excelity Global portal URL with new username and password.
I just logged into that account and was able to retrieve all my information in a single click. Since I was using the same tool back in Adobe, I was able to find everything I needed in few minutes.
This post is a gratitude from my side, not to promote or debate over any organization or process - but how small things make it a "customer delight".
Note : Disc. Views are solely my own & not of my employer
